Join Us

Key Benefits of Membership

Access To Industry Expertise

Tap into a network of seasoned professionals for networking, knowledge sharing, and best practices

Engagement With Stakeholders

Collaborate with academia, government agencies, and industry to address common challenges effectively

Enhanced Visibility

Increase your company’s visibility within the industry and broader community

Tech Awareness and Education

Stay updated on the latest trends, technology, and practices through workshops, training, programs, and educational initiatives

Access to Resources

Receive support and resources aimed at driving business development and growth

Get My Voice Heard

Collective advocacy ensures industry interests are heard.

What ADAMC Has Done

  • Promoted development of education pathways, skills training, and job creation initiatives
  • Organized industry resource events, demonstration workshops, and industry studies
  • Facilitated industry partnerships, provided technology adoption assistance, and led research and development programs in advanced manufacturing
  • Supported education initiatives, workforce development programs, and educator internships

Our Future Plans

Amplify member voices to solve industry challenges

Expand advocacy efforts and partnerships

Develop training programs for skill enhancement

Organize innovation focused events and workshops

Promote manufacturing careers and industry awareness

Become A Member

At ADAMC, we believe that collaboration with all stakeholders in the region is essential to the success of our initiatives. Your company’s input and participation is invaluable to our mission of promoting advanced manufacturing technologies, developing a skilled workforce, and addressing common industry challenges. Industry involvement is crucial as we strive to advance manufacturing excellence and innovation within the region. 

We want to emphasize that there is no cost for membership. Your company’s support helps us demonstrate strong industry backing, which is critical when we seek funding and engage in advocacy efforts.

By joining us, you are acknowledging your company’s support for ADAMC’s mission and initiatives and your commitment to collaborate with our community in advancing our collective goals. Your company’s participation is crucial to our collective success.

If your company is ready to support ADAMC’s mission and become a part of our collaborative community, please select the join us button below to complete our online form. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us to discuss and learn more.